YOU'VE GOT PROBLEMS MAN!  The old man snatches the Jewel from your hand. "YES! And you can't have it back!" he screams crazily. "Give me the device! You promised!" you implore. "I would like to...But this game isn't registered...Tell your sysop to send the $15, and he will PROMPTLY be sent a unique registration code, that he can enter instantly, registering the program." the old man tells you. "But...How much more to the game is there?", You demand, feeling a bit ripped off..Losing your Jewel and all. "Trust me kid, you don't want to miss the rest...A scavanger hunt across the universe, a race to unite the Alliance...Maybe even having your name entered in the mighty Schoolor Library! Not exactly something you would want to miss!", the man cries, spittle forming on his beard.  "So BADGER your sysop into REGISTERING this FINE game! Now!"